Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm no Rambo, but I'm still a manbo

In the media, real men are portrayed as macho men; like Rambo, Bruce Willis in Die Hard and Jack Bauer. These men all have several traits in common. One is that no one ever beats them in a fight. Second is their abdomens, pectorals, biceps and triceps are something that every man desires for them self. And finally, they always tend to get the very attractive women in the end.

Me on the other hand, I've only been in one fight in my entire life and that was broken off before it could get too serious (although I like to point out that I was winning). I've never had the best looking abdomens, my pectorals some might say are lacking and my arms are most comparable to pencils (in my defense, I do have very soft hands). And if the attractive women don't like my humor, they will pass by me and go after the more muscular men without giving it a second thought.

While I don't think there's anything wrong with being able to defend yourself, being physically fit and strong, and for women to be attractive to strong men; I do think that the media does not teach what a real man really is. The Bible says, "Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong," (1 Corinthians 6:13). A real man is someone who is strong in moral character and puts faith before anything else, like Jesus Christ himself. Jesus didn't get into a fight every time he got into a debate, but he taught to turn the other cheek. Women complain a lot about how men are attracted to the playboy bunnies or the skinny blondes in bikinis at the beach. I feel that men get chastised for that (and for good cause I guess), but women I know always complain the men they're with are too egotistical and stuck up. Maybe if these attractive women gave guys like me a chance and looked more on the character of the man than the appearance, they would be happier.

The media needs to do a better job at portraying men with character as the main characteristics of a man instead of his pectorals. Tell me, am I right or wrong on this???????

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