Monday, April 6, 2009

Stereotypical Males and Females

So here's some pictures of what the media depicts as typical male and female: I have one of a laid-back male. One of a crying, distressed female. Then I have two more pictures of a "hot" male and female. What do you think? Do these accurately depict males and females in real life? If you're a girl, do you spend a lot of time crying and being stressed out? As a male, do you just flow through life smoothly without many ups and downs?

I know I for one, don't always cry and feel stressed out. Yes, I admit I cry more often than males, but I have days when I feel stressed out. Also, when I go through a hard break up, I cry but I lose my appetite as well. My actions during a break up are according to stereotype with the crying, but not necessarily with the loss of appetite. Many people would assume that girls just sit around eating chocolate and ice cream, but how true is this idea? Anyone have any comments?


  1. What is Gender Neutral? is it like crying but not want sweets? sort of partial to both of the stereotypical gender roles

  2. The media always exaggerates the extremes/stereotypes of men and women in order to communicate specific roles. I scored "gender neutral," but I am definitely a girl. I'm not a girly girl, but definitely a girl. If I eat ice cream after a rejection, I'm just making fun of the stereotype.

  3. Hey, I'm apparently gender neutral too.
    It's amazing how times have changed and how the loss of so many mothers are missing in action, meaning that they aren't doing motherly jobs. And now, we're wondering why our country is going kaput! The learning that is supposed to be taking place in the home obviously can not be done without! I believe one mother makes more difference than she can ever imagine just by spending more time with her family herself.

  4. ohhh the good ol' media how they portray society. Everyone knows thats all girls do is cry and are depressed when they break up while eating ice cream...yet while an itty bitty body with a big chest...while sporting a size 0 six pack! and yet it is true that guys just sit back chug beer eat chili hot dogs and buffalo wings while maintaining a healthy athletic body! Oh ya these are truths alright...not really actually at all...anyways now that i have exposed the flaws of advertising and other portrayals of media im going to stop writing now...thanks!

  5. Hahaha oh shaun, that's hilarious....i like the itty bitty part. Good luck with your reactivation. ;)
