Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Shop Like A Man

I have never been a fan of shopping and I don't like wasting money. So when I shop, I make sure I need what I'm looking for and know what I want before I go looking. I try and get the best deals and do not mind getting last season's fashions on the clearance rack. My grandmother even said that I'm no fun to shop with because I shop like a man.

Who said that women have to love shopping? Why would my grandmother say that I am like a man?

The media has really fed this female stereotype. Movies like Clueless show women as wanting to spend their time and money shopping for the latest clothing. It also feeds the idea that women who do not shop like this are frumpy and manly.

In Clueless there was a girl, named Tai, who did not dress the same way as the others. She was labeled as frumpy, ugly, and needing help. Cher, the main character, took it upon herself to "help" Tai by changing her into a shopaholic.

Girls that don't like to shop are not frumpy, or manly. They do not need to be rehabbed into the stereotype. They are just women who prefer not to shop. We need to realize that the media creates these its own ideas about what women are like, and stop measuring real women against this standard.

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